Fortune, ethnicity, and all about Calvin Harris' wife as DJ gets married in lavish ceremony

DJ Calvin Harris recently tied the knot with Vick Hope on September 9, 2023. The wedding ceremony was held at Hulne Priory in Northumberland, England. Vick is a popular TV and radio star and has been a part of BBC Radio 1 for a long time.

DJ Calvin Harris recently tied the knot with Vick Hope on September 9, 2023. The wedding ceremony was held at Hulne Priory in Northumberland, England. Vick is a popular TV and radio star and has been a part of BBC Radio 1 for a long time.

Various well-known faces from BBC Radio were invited as guests, like Scott Mills, Vernon Kay, and Jordan North. The major attraction of the wedding was a performance by the band Chic, who traveled from the U.S.

The duo started dating in January 2022 and got engaged in May of the same year.

Vick Hope is a popular face on BBC Radio 1

Vick Hope was born to Nigel Hope and Adeline Nwosu. She is of British and African ethnicity and has three siblings. Vick's successful career in television and radio has helped her to earn a lot of wealth, and her net worth is said to be £1.2 million, as reported by CelebrityNetWorth.

Hope started her career at The Argentina Independent as a journalist and was only 19 years old at the time. She then joined the radio and hosted a lineup of shows like Capital Breakfast, Revision Hour, and more.

Vick gained recognition for her appearances on BBC Radio 1, and since 2021, she has been a host for Going Home with Vick and Jordan. Starting in 2020, Hope began appearing on television and has been a host for shows like I'm a Celebrity... The Daily Drop.

She has also worked as a presenter for different popular shows like Crufts, The X Factor, Lorraine, and more. She has presented many weekly shows, including Yahoo Sports Presents Tailgate and London Nocturne. She participated in Strictly Come Dancing in 2018 but left the show due to personal problems with the judges' panel.

Vick has hosted several live shows in her career. Her novel, titled Listen Up: Rule the Airwaves, Rule the School, was released in 2020. She has been involved in some philanthropic work and is an ambassador for Amnesty International. Her successful work has made her the recipient of different accolades.

Calvin Harris and Vick Hope started dating in January of last year

The Sun disclosed in January 2022 that Calvin Harris and Vick Hope have been dating for a few months. An insider revealed at the time that they are happy together, and Vick has also spoken to her friends about Calvin.

The pair made their first public appearance at the Chelsea Flower Show in May of the same year, and fans spotted an engagement ring on Vick Hope's finger. A source for The Sun stated:

"The extravagance of the rock will eclipse how much they're going to spend on the big day itself as they want to keep it low key and simple with just a core of close friends and family present."

While speaking to Hello! in 2022, Vick said that she and Harris were planning a wedding, but she was not planning to disclose anything about her private life so soon. In another interview with You magazine, Vick said:

"We don't really put anything on social media because the time we have together is 'real life' and it's our own. For the first time in a long time, I'm finishing work and going home to a life that is just mine. I'm learning to find balance and peace."

Calvin Harris is a popular face in the music industry. His latest album, Funk Wav Bounces Vol. 2, was released in 2022, and it reached the 17th spot on the US Billboard 200 despite getting a mixed response.

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