The Season 3 Reloaded patch in Warzone 2 has brought several changes to this game's weapon meta. This includes a new set of nerfs and buffs, which have altered the performance of various guns by a significant margin. One weapon that is more effective now is the Lachmann Sub. Its minimum armor damage in burst fire mode has been increased.
In Warzone 2, players mainly use SMGs in close-range combat. However, operators often find themselves encountering foes unexpectedly with minimal time to react. In such cases, based on their first instinct, they usually end up hip-firing their gun, as it takes a small amount of time to aim down the sight (ADS).
However, hip-firing any firearm causes the bullet spread to increase, which leads to missed shots. As such, specialized loadouts are needed to ensure that a gun is effective in this mode. To get one such build for the Lachmann Sub in Warzone 2, all one has to do is use the attachments mentioned in this article.
Best Hip-fire loadout for Lachmann Sub in Warzone 2 Season 3 Reloaded
Warzone 2's Lachmann Sub is based on the real-life Heckler & Koch MP5 and belongs to the Lachmann Meer platform. It boasts the fastest close-range time-to-kill (TTK) in WZ2's SMG category: 549ms. Alongside that, the mobility of this gun is exceptional, and it will 'fly and fry' across the map.
This SMG can be transformed into one of the best hip-fire guns in WZ2 when it's equipped with proper attachments. Players can confidently start engaging their opponents in the hip-fire mode and transition to ADS and finish off enemies with the build featured below:
- Barrel - L38 Falcon 226 mm
- Laser - Point-GP3 04
- Underbarrel - OP-X9 Foregrip
- Magazine - 50 Round Drum
- Rear Grip - Lachmann TCG-10
This gun's L38 Falcon 226 mm barrel will improve both its reaction and movement stats. It will directly increase the movement and aim-down-sight speed by a significant margin.
The Point-GP3 04 laser and OP-X9 Foregrip turn this gun into a hip-firing monster. The former will improve its accuracy and recoil control in this mode. Moreover, it will also enhance its sprint-to-fire speed.
The underbarrel attachment will increase the Lachmann Sub's hip-fire accuracy, hip recoil control, aim walking steadiness, and recoil stabilization significantly.
With its recent movement-speed buff, the 50 Round Drum magazine will ensure Operators have enough bullets to eliminate multiple opponents before having to reload. And the TCG-10 grip will further improve upon the overall recoil control of this firearm.
With these attachments, the Lachmann Sub can be modified into an extremely powerful hip-fire weapon that can easily ruin its opponents' day in Warzone 2 Season 3 Reloaded.
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