Are you obsessed with my booty?

CBS Sports Golazo presenter Kate Abdo hilariously fooled Micah Richards when introducing him for their latest coverage of the UEFA Champions League. It has become common practice for Abdo to introduce each pundit (Jamie Carragher, Thierry Henry and Richards) by alluding to their footballing achievements.

CBS Sports Golazo presenter Kate Abdo hilariously fooled Micah Richards when introducing him for their latest coverage of the UEFA Champions League.

It has become common practice for Abdo to introduce each pundit (Jamie Carragher, Thierry Henry and Richards) by alluding to their footballing achievements.

The presenter introduced Carragher and Henry as two Champions League winners. She then moved on to Richards by recalling his past comments about breaking onto the scene at Manchester City. Richards loved what he was hearing before Abdo comically brought up a moment from last week's coverage. The presenter said:

"And last week almost burst out of the seams of his underwear. ... Micah Richards."

Richards had his arms in the air with a massive grin on his face till a photo popped up of his trousers nearly exposing his underwear. He laughed and responded:

"I knew it was coming!"

The former City defender added:

"Are you obsessed with my booty?"

Abdo replied in the negative:

"No, no, sure I'm not."

Abdo, Richards, Henry and Carragher have come in for praise from fans for their coverage of the Champions League. It steps away from overly analytical coverage and instead embraces a more down-to-earth approach. They're regularly prodding the stick at each other, like Richards' lack of a European title.

They covered this week's first two games of the Champions League quarterfinals second leg. Real Madrid beat Chelsea 2-0 (4-0 aggregate), while AC Milan beat Napoli 2-1 on aggregate after a 1-1 draw in Naples to reach the semifinals.

Madrid now await the winner of Bayern Munich or Manchester City, with Bayern trailing 3-0 on aggregate. Meanwhile, Milan will go up against either Inter Milan or Benfica, with the Serie A side leading 2-0 from the first leg away from home. Both second-leg games are on Wednesday (April 19).

Real Madrid boss Carlo Ancelotti reacts to Champions League win over Chelsea

Los Blancos advanced to the semifinals.

Real Madrid cruised through to the Champions League semifinals following a 2-0 win at Stamford Bridge over Chelsea. Rodrygo conjured two delightful second-half efforts to put his side into the last four.

However, the Blues put up more of a fight than expected and were perhaps the better side during the 45 minutes. Ancelotti alluded to that in his post-match interview (via Tribal Football):

"They (Chelsea) played really well; they were prepared. We suffered a lot and helped us stay at 0-0 at the end of the first half. Second hal, we were much better and scored the two goals. We are happy to have qualified."

Ancelotti then touched on Rodrygo's double, adding that his side came out much stronger in the second half:

"The two goals we scored were a fantastic combination. We managed the ball. The second half was much better and in transition we were much better."

Madrid are seeking a record-extending 15th title.

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