Was Matthew Perry missing a finger? Story behind gruesome childhood accident explored

Ardent fans of the Friends television series have been revisiting the beloved show following the shocking death of actor Matthew Perry. Keen-eyed fanatics noted that the entertainer, best known for playing Chandler Bing in the comedy, was missing the tip of his finger in certain scenes.

Ardent fans of the Friends television series have been revisiting the beloved show following the shocking death of actor Matthew Perry. Keen-eyed fanatics noted that the entertainer, best known for playing Chandler Bing in the comedy, was missing the tip of his finger in certain scenes.

One might think this was a mistake made during the editing of episodes. However, the artist has lost a section of his finger in reality. TMZ was the first among many to announce that Matthew Perry died last Saturday, October 28. The Los Angeles Fire Department revealed that he was found in a hot tub at his residence.

As fans reminisce about the actor’s work, they noted that Perry, who died at the age of 54, appeared to be missing a portion of his right-hand finger. Speaking about the same, X (formerly Twitter) user @christineestima noted that the top part of his middle finger was missing.

Matthew Perry lost the top section of his middle finger in an accident

According to IMDb, Matthew Perry got into a gruesome accident when he was just three years old. The American-Canadian actor reportedly shut a door on his hand, leading to him losing the top inch of his fingertip.

Matthew Perry’s cut-off finger appeared in several episodes of Friends (Image via u/Vjex22222/Reddit)

However, he did not let the accident stop him from pursuing acting or modeling. He went on to become one of the greatest entertainers in Hollywood. Speaking about the accident, he said in an interview:

“So from three to I guess eight or something, I had my hand in my pocket to hide it. I was on a flight with my mom, we were flying somewhere and this is back in the day when they would sometimes bring little kids to the cockpit you know, to meet the pilot, show all the buttons and all of that stuff. "And I was very excited about that and I went up to the cockpit and I was looking around... and I was so distracted that for the very first time, hand not in my pocket.”

The Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing author then said:

“The Air Canada pilot said- “let me see your finger.” And I was like- “ugh, I can’t believe it..." And I reluctantly showed him and he showed me that he was missing the exact same part of his finger, in the same hand. And I thought to myself- “he is operating this whole big plane and he’s fine so you know, I was better about it.”

The incident likely inspired one of the most popular Friends episodes titled The One with All the Thanksgivings. In the episode, Bing loses the tip of his toe after Monica Gellar accidentally drops a kitchen knife onto his shoe while trying to seduce him.

As fans look back upon the actor’s projects, they continue to wait for updates about his unexpected death from law enforcement.

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