Michael Fassbender (my lover) takes on sexiest Victorian ever: Mr. Rochester

My expectations are so low with this post, Im not even expecting a dozen comments on it. Please, bitches help a girl out, okay? I love me some Michael Fassbender, and I want to get to the point where I can write about his every movement and word, like I do with Clive Owen


My expectations are so low with this post, I’m not even expecting a dozen comments on it. Please, bitches – help a girl out, okay? I love me some Michael Fassbender, and I want to get to the point where I can write about his every movement and word, like I do with Clive Owen and Gerard Butler. Here’s the deal: if you show your love for The Fassbender, I’ll reward you with lots and lots of Forever Dongs, for weeks and weeks.

So let me tell where you know The Fassbender from: I’ve featured him on HGF several times, our friend Agent Bedhead is even more obsessed than me, and he’s been the best part of some good to not-so-good movies over the past few years. Here is his filmography – American audiences will know him from his work in everything from Band of Brothers, to Inglorious Basterds to 300. Art-house audiences may know him from Fish Tank, or Hunger. He’s half Irish and half German, and all SEX. If you want to hear him talk in his normal voice, take off your panties and watch this:

Ooooh, Fassbender. He’s so feline and seductive and slightly rough too. Which is kind of perfect for his next big role. Yes, Hollywood has remade Jane Eyre yet again, and The Fassbender was cast as… Rochester. I just… Jesus Christ, this man is perfect. This is perfect casting. Here’s the trailer:

He’s on a horse, he’s got sideburns, he’s dashing and complicated and he gives a great screen kiss… The Fassbender. It’s true love.



Photos courtesy of WENN.

